Switch between the pre-defined NxN or special layouts.
Previous/next page.
Stop all players.
Make all players show live.
Sync. Play
同步播放Synchronize all players. When the button is sinked, playback control of all players are synchronized.
See Also 請參閱
登出Log out. The local console will be closed but the system is not terminated. You will need to enter account/password to operate the system.
計算機Opens various configuration or tool dialogs.
See Also 請參閱
Stg. Map
錄影資料表See Also 請參閱
Cfg. System, Cfg. Console
系統設定、介面設定See Also 請參閱
Cfg. Storage
空間設定See Also 請參閱
New Obj.
新增物件Add a new channel, user, group, map..., etc.
See Also 請參閱
From left to right respectively:
Toolbar type selector: Set the default toolbar for all players. This overrides all individual players' toolbar settings.
OSD type selector: Select OSD information level for all players.
Main layout selector: Select default console layout type.
- 工具列選擇:設定預設的播放放器工具列,此設定將覆蓋所有播放器現有之設定。
- OSD螢幕選擇:可選擇所有播放器螢幕顯示資訊類型。
- 版面選擇:可選擇控制端介面版面類型。
See Also 請參閱
User can manage objects by creating folders and drag&drop to change the hierarchy and the order. Folders can also be renamed. Remind that the tree is global and local changes effect all remote GVNVR connected.
The node "All channels" are pre-defined and cannot be modified. Dragging a channel in "All channels" to a user-created folder creates its representatives which can be operated like the original channel item. But deleting a representative doesn't remove the channel from the system.
See Also 請參閱
A system briefcase viewer let the users browse system objects like userlogs, channels, maps, users,.. etc. There are three components in system briefcase viewer; the filter, the header, and the list. The filter controls what types of items to be displayed. The header can be clicked to sort the items by different columns and different order. Right-click on different types of objects invokes their corresponding context menus. Items may also be dragged into players. Drag&drop behavior depends on the destined player state and the item type.
See Also 請參閱
User can create and rename tabs in pattern tab control. Each pattern tab has its own layout and state.
See Also 請參閱
There are three components in the payer; status bar, display, and toolbar. Status bar shows the title of the channel attached and its states. The three indicators on the top-right shows if the channel is recording(red), accessing recorded data(yellow), live video(green), or alarm. The toolbar is used to control the player.
See Also 請參閱
Player (Multi-Function-Display) Capabilities 多功能播放器功能差異
Each player slot in the console has an number as their identifier. Those are P1.1, P1.2.. P1.16, etc, as illstrated below. Their function is slightly different, as illustrated in the table following the picture.
每個播放器都有一個號碼作為他們的識別,如下圖所示,從P1.1, P1.2至P1.16,他們所具有的功能不盡相同,從圖片下方的表格可以說明。
Player identifier
播放器識別碼Can play live & PB?
播放即時及回放影像Can view maps?
觀看地圖Can view Ext. Map?
觀看外部地圖P1.1 Yes Yes Yes P1.2 Yes Yes No P1.3 Yes Yes No P1.4 Yes Yes No P1.5 ... P1.25 Yes No No
Hover mouse on these areas and the cursor will be changed to a two-way arrow. Users can hold left button and drag to adjust the size of different console components.